Religion is a term which evokes many ideas and images, meaning different things to different people. Based on our class discussion up to this point, how would you define the term "religion"? In 140 characters or less (ala a Twitter-esque response) finish this sentence, "IMHO, Religion is...." Write your answer as a comment to this post.
Religion is an assortment of beliefs and world views of a spiritual nature. It is a set of values one invests in, while maintaining a lifestlye with those morals in mind. It is a system of faith.
Religion is a faith system that determines your values and the things that you believe in. It influences your lifestyle and the way that you view the world.
Religion to me is a set of beliefs, values, principles, and morals/standards that you hold true to. You put your full faith in it, bear testimony of a higher power or spiritual essence, and incorporate it into your lifestyle and the decisions you make.
Religion is characterized by doctrines, beliefs, rituals, and practices that shape ones worldview. Religion at its best produces moral purity and care for others. It is not just a set of strict guidelines, but involves a relationship founded on faith and service.
Religion is an arrangement of beliefs, practices, and values that one places faith in. It is what gives us our own view of morals and standards to live by.
In my opinion, religion is a prescribed set of beliefs and worldviews concerning how to act in this life, matters of an afterlife, and, in some cases, ideas of a god or a supreme being. Generally, people associate themselves with a certain religion based on how closely the beliefs of that religion reflect their own beliefs on these matters.
Religion is a wide variety of beliefs, ideas, practices, traditions, and even groupings or organizational structures.
Religion is a belief system; from it, a person can draw their sense of values, morals (if any), practices/rituals and sometimes self worth.
Religion is an organizayion of individuals who hold similar beliefs and values. It is a lifestyle you adhere to and certain expectations come with it. Faith can result from religion but is independent in its own right as well. One could be part of a religion and have no faith or one could have faith but not support religion.
IMHO,religion is a set of beliefs, doctrines, values, traditions, and/or rituals concerning matters such as the existence of God (or gods) and how one can be in harmony with said God/deity/transcendent force. Other matters such as human existence, life after death, right and wrong, etc. are also associated with religious beliefs.
IMHO, Religion is a collection of beliefs pertaining to an almighty being or collection of beings, shared among a group of people or culture. Religion holds a reverence for certain artifacts, people, or spirits. The definition of Religion can be extended to include a set of morals and ethics, or values which one applies to their life.
Religion is a set of beliefs and values that guide an individual’s actions and life choices. The individual usually, but not always, pulls these beliefs from a larger institutionalized belief group that holds specific views on how to live in ways that will reflect their view on the purpose of life.
Religion, being hard to define because of its subjectivity, is a community or groups' system of beliefs, practices, rituals, and feelings, derived from what they were taught or chose to put their faith in.
Religion is a set of beliefs held by an individual, dealing with the existence of God, the purpose of life and thoughts regarding the afterlife.
In my humble opinion, religion is a set of beliefs that a person follows which typically provides values and morals. By this definition religion defines a person's way of life as well.
IMHO, religion is a set a beliefs that people follow in order to follow a given path set forth by the hierarchy of that said religion and it's documentation in holy books of whichever sort. It's a life style for those who hope to have an eternally happy afterlife.
Religion is a set of beliefs, principles, or rituals held sacred by people. These people try to live by certian values in hopes that following them leads to goodness and prosperity.
Religion is a collection of beliefs shared by a common group of people. The commonality of the individuals can be physical, virtual or spiritual.
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